2.-4. veebruarini 2012 toimus Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemias rahvusvaheline muusikaloo konverents “New Music in History Writing and New Approaches to Writing Music History”, mille korraldasid Eesti Muusikateaduse Selts ja EMTA muusikateaduse osakond. Jägnevast on võimalik konverentsi kõiki ettekandeid järelkuulata.Thursday, February 2
15.00 Session 1: What kind of story?
Chair: Professor Toomas Siitan
Urve Lippus (EAMT) “Introduction to the project “Estonian Music History/ History of Music in Estonia”
Olli Heikkinen (University of Tampere) and and Vesa Kurkela (Sibelius Academy) “Rethinking “Finnish” music history”
17.00 Session 2: Expanding the subject
Chair: Professor Urve Lippus
Alf Arvidsson (Umeå University) “An ethnographical approach to Art Music”
Liisi Laanemets (EAMT) “Folk music movement in Estonia in the 1960s–1970s and the institutionalization of Seto leelo choirs”
Justin A. Williams (Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge) “Historicizing the breakbeat: Hip-hop’s origins and authenticity”
Friday, February 3
9.30 Session 3: Margins
Chair: Dr. Martin Loeser
Jonas Vilimas (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre) “Writing history of Christian music in post-Christian Europe. The case of Christopher Page”
Anu Kõlar (EAMT) “The complex story of Estonian church music in the 20th century”
11.00 Keynote lecture
Jim Samson (Royal Holloways, University of London) “Greece and its neighbours”
14.00 Session 4: Opera
Chair: Professor Andreas Waczkat
Kristel Pappel (EAMT) “Research methods of theatre studies in music history writing: representation of recent developments“
Beata Baublinskienė (Lithuanian Composers’ Union/ Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre) “The history of national opera in Lithuania – A continuous evolution or fragmented pastiche?“
16.00 Session 5: New music
Chair: Dr. Martin Knust
Anu Veenre (EAMT) “Reception of new music in Estonia, last decades of the Soviet period”
Mark Lawrence (Welsh College of Music and Drama/ City University London) “The music of Veljo Tormis: a legacy”
Ieva Gintere (Latvian Academy of Music) “Concept music: a new trend in the Latvian contemporary music and musicology”
Saturday, February 4
9.30 Session 6: Modernism and postmodernism
Chair: Dr. Kristel Pappel
Walter Kreyszig (University of Saskatchewan, Canada/ University of Vienna) “The Second Viennese School of composition in the context of acculturation, globalization, interculturality, and multiculturalism: On the dissemination of atonality and dodecaphony beyond the border of Austria”
Jānis Kudiņš (Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music) “The notion of style and peculiarities of its perception within the context of music study of 20th century modernism and postmodernism”
Andreas Waczkat (University of Göttingen) “Modernism and Postmodernism in both parts of post-war Germany. Writing music history against Adorno”
11.30 Session 7: Professionals and amateurs
Chair: Dr. Anu Kõlar
Martin Loeser (University of Greifswald) ““Kleinmeister”, dance masters, women and everyday life. What are the fundaments of music history?”
Heidi Heinmaa (EAMT/ National Library of Estonia) “Music history without music: musical life in Tallinn in the 18th century after the Great Northern War”
14.00 Session 8: Changing the perspective
Chair: Professor Jim Samson
Helena Tyrväinen (University of Helsinki) “Progress and renewal – Analysing post-Treaty-of-Versailles Finnish ideas on musical creation”
Luk Vaes (Orpheus Institute/ Royal Conservatory The Hague) “Writing new histories: the importance of the artistic perspective”
Anu Schaper (EAMT) “Mobility of musicians and dissemination of music in eastern Baltic area in the second half of the 17th century: cross-cultural approach as a model for constructing the local music history”
16.00 Session 9: Outsider’s view
Chair: Professor Urve Lippus
Elke Albrecht (University of Vienna) “Researching into Kalevala operas”
Martin Knust (University of Stockholm) “Music and nationality – Some specific problems in writing a music history of post-Soviet Estonia”
Final discussion, conclusions